The Cannabis Oil Suppository Debate: Personal Testing & Results

By Troy Ivan

Using cannabis to treat medical conditions is gaining popularity and acceptance daily.  While smoking, vaping, edibles, and topical applications are very familiar, suppositories are still in the shadows and a relatively unknown alternative.  After learning about the success many claim to have with suppositories, I brought this helpful information to the masses.  I quickly learned, and was shocked to find, that the effectiveness of cannabis oil (CO) suppositories was a topic of heated debate!  Suddenly, my idea of a quick and easy informational post ballooned into an amateur research exercise and science project to identify points in the discussion I could confirm, dispel facts that didn’t check out, and develop a better understanding of the topic in general.  In this post, I endeavor to explain many things about CO suppositories: what the debate over effectiveness is about, possible benefits, physiology involved, personal testing experience, what my experience proved to me, and what a blood test showed about absorption.


Medication administered rectally with suppositories is used in general medicine to provide a rapid, efficient uptake and absorption into the circulatory system.  CO suppository advocates propose that the same applies to the efficiency of THC uptake, and it can reach up to 70% with suppositories, while oral ingestion and smoking top out at around 20%.  The other side of the argument contends that the high uptake efficiency attributed to suppository medication only occurs when the delivery medium is water soluble or is aided by an additive to increase absorption. Accordingly, oil-based material alone can’t be absorbed through the thick mucus and wall of the lower rectum.  Therefore, the naysayers say homemade CO and coconut oil suppositories can’t be absorbed in any meaningful concentrations or at all.  Whether or not oil-based compounds like CO alone can be efficiently absorbed through the lower rectum is the crux of the debate.


There are two key attractive benefits of suppository use.  One benefit is the high efficiency and bioavailability of rectally administered meds.  If the absorption efficiency can reach 50%-70%, the cost-effectiveness per CO volume is desirable and would provide substantially more medicine for the same money.  Moreover, the ability to deliver a higher dosage of CO to the blood and areas requiring treatment would be significantly enhanced.

Second, and more complex, is the benefit of avoiding most, or all, psychoactive effects of THC.  The psychoactive effects from smoking or orally ingesting CO can be so devastating for some users that they’d rather forgo using cannabis despite any potential it may have in their treatment.  If large amounts of THC could be absorbed without psychoactive effects, many people who currently can’t medicate with CO could then enjoy its healing powers.

The proponents and doubters in this debate interpret the lack of psychoactive effects of THC very differently.  Proponents say if a suppository is administered correctly in the lower section of the rectum, the THC is absorbed in a way that avoids psychoactive effects.  The other side of the debate points to the lack of psychoactive effects as proof that CO is not being absorbed and distributed through the circulatory system.  I needed a lot more information because I had zero knowledge concerning the physiology of the rectum or how it functions within the circulatory system, so I started searching for answers and asking lots of questions.


The physiology, drainage, and blood flow away from the rectum differs between the upper and lower sections.  Understanding the differences between the upper 1/3rd and lower 2/3rds of the rectum clarifies why a CO suppository in the lower rectum could circumvent the onset of psychoactive effects brought on by THC absorption.

The upper 1/3rd of the rectum is part of the hepatic portal system where nutrients are absorbed, and drainage occurs through the portal vein. The blood is transported to the liver and metabolized by the liver, then onto the heart for general distribution to the body. When delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) passes through the liver, some is metabolized into the more potent and psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC.  Oral consumption of CO follows this same flow through the liver, called first-pass metabolism. Higher pressure in the upper region of the rectum more readily facilitates oil-based medicine absorption. It can be tested by putting some CO way up there and letting the psychoactive circus begin.

The lower 2/3rds function much differently.  This section drains to the internal iliac vein, which bypasses the liver and is delivered to the heart’s right atrium to join the systemic circulation and off to the body.  Advocates of the CO suppositories say that by missing the liver this way, the lack of THC metabolites significantly limits or eliminates the psychoactive effects of THC.  Contrarily, the naysayers argue that the pressure in this area is too low, the mucus wall too dense for oil-based medication to be absorbed, and therefore, the lack of psychoactive effect is due to the medicine not being absorbed in any meaningful amount.


I was conflicted because I wanted suppositories to be the missing link to healthy consumption of CO. However, both sides of the argument were making sense, and I needed to find more reliable information to base a conclusion and then share it with those who may be as confused as me.  In searching for information and guidance, I found plenty of anecdotal third-party stories, testimonials, and a few often-referenced studies that were either flawed or introduced elements that made them incompatible with analysis of the use of suppositories made with only CO and coconut oil.  I was so deep in hearsay and tainted information the only way to form an opinion about this subject was to test it on myself.


First, I wanted to determine what kind of physical or psychoactive effects I would experience using CO suppositories.  Second, I wanted to find a definitive way to establish if THC was absorbed into the bloodstream, and if it was absorbed, what was the concentration and constituent makeup?


The goal for pre-test preparation was to cleanse my blood of any residual THC.  THC for a single use is estimated to stay in the blood for 12-24 hours, while those who use cannabis regularly can expect TCH to remain in the blood for nearly a week.  To ensure there would be no trace of THC in my blood before the experiment, I abstained from cannabis for 2-weeks.  Clean blood was crucial for the accuracy of the cannabinoids blood screen (test code 8421) to evaluate THC absorption and shed light on any other helpful information that might indicate CO efficiency.  Abstaining ahead of the testing would also increase sensitivity to any physical or psychoactive effects from the suppository testing.

The execution stage of the experiment would include taking one 2 ml 20 mg THC suppository the evening before the blood test to evaluate any physical and psychoactive effects.  At 8 a.m. the following day, I planned to take a second 2 ml 20 mg suppository to reevaluate and compare the effects to the night before.  Finally, I would conclude the experiment with a blood test 4 hours later to catch any current THC absorbed near its peak and any residual THC metabolites from the night before.


Before starting to test myself, I had to learn to make suppositories.  In preparation, I ordered 2 ml disposable suppository molds from Amazon.  Once the molds arrived, I made 0.8 g of CO using the Source (making FECO with the Source by ExtractCraft), combined it with 50 g of coconut oil (the type that returns to solid form at room temperature), filled 28 disposable suppository molds, then put the molds in the freezer to solidify and store.  Assuming the CO I made was approximately 70% THC, the suppositories were 20 mg each.  For clarity, as in the linked FECO-making instructions, I used decarboxylated material to increase the bioavailability of THC.  I was happy that making the suppositories myself was pleasantly simple and rewarding.


(Side note: suppository molds are awesome for storage! You can make a bunch of frozen, pre-measured doses for oral consumption or cooking. The frozen coconut oil and CO in that shape are easy to handle and use.)


With cleansed, THC-free blood, it was time for truth, an unbridled search for scientific knowledge, and putting something where nothing has ever been put before.  At 6 p.m. I put on the recommended latex glove, inserted the suppository just inside the sphincter, no more than 1 ½ inches inside, making sure it stayed in the lower area of the rectum, laid on the bed for a few minutes hoping I did it correctly and very thankful the kids didn’t come barging in at the most inopportune time.  The process was straightforward and much less stressful than I anticipated.  After a few minutes, I stood up, half expecting something to come shooting out, but much to my relief, everything seemed very normal.

After 10 minutes, the effects showed the first signs of effectiveness with an almost imperceptible body-calming sensation.  By the 30-minute mark, a full body calming was in full effect.  It wasn’t a strong, stony body high, but more like the comforting feeling of being tension-free and wrapped in a warm blanket.  I also recognized a sensation in my mouth and jaw that I often identify with cannabis consumption.  There was an interesting, very slight feeling creeping up the back of my neck that felt like the CO was flirting with imposing a head-high, but it held short and left me clear-headed the entire time.  My body was high, my psyche was soothed, and my ability to reason was untouched.  Finally, when I turned in for the evening, I was well-relaxed and had a solid, serene night’s sleep.  I woke up easily the next morning and felt great with no hangover effects often associated with edibles.  After getting around and completing my morning duties, it was time for the 8 a.m. dose.  I followed the same procedure as the previous night and was once again surprised by how easy the process was.  The effects of the morning dose were an exact repeat of the night before.  It made for a pleasant, relaxed, clear-headed, and pain-free morning.  Around noon (4 hours later), my blood was drawn for the cannabinoids blood screening.  A little later, in the early afternoon, I became tired, and at 2 p.m. I took one of the best naps of my life.  I woke up from the nap feeling great, clear-headed, and with all discernable sensations of the CO gone.  From my body’s feedback, there was no doubt in my mind that CO had been absorbed and had worked its magic on me.  With the blood test finished, the experiment was complete, and the only thing left to do was to wait 7-10 days for the results.


I was very excited anticipating the blood test results because regardless of what the results indicated, it would be very interesting.  If the test showed significant uptake and absorption of THC, it meant many people could feel confident that CO suppositories did, in fact, effectively deliver the medicine.  On the other hand, if the results indicated negligible or no absorption, we would have a mystery on our hands to explain what was responsible for the physical effects experienced during testing?

Seven days after having my blood drawn for the test, I received the results:




Suppository Testing Blood Test


First, I could identify definite physical effects of the CO suppositories but no psychoactive effects at all.  The physical effects I identified left little doubt that absorption of the CO took place.  How much absorption took place was hard to judge because I’ve never experienced a body high without a head high.  My experience with the disjointed body-high supports the idea that when administered in the lower area of the rectum, any THC absorbed bypasses the first-pass metabolism, misses the liver, and therefore has little to no psychoactive effect.  My unscientific support of this idea comes from the imbalance of what my body and head experienced. Thus, I reasoned if the distribution of THC was in balance, like with smoked or orally ingested CO, I believe I would’ve had a strong head-high to match what was going on with my body.

Second, I needed to establish if THC was absorbed into the bloodstream and, if it was, the concentration and constituent makeup.  Unfortunately, the blood test results contradicted my unscientific conclusions based on physical experience alone.  The blood test showed that 4 hours after using the 20 mg CO suppository made with coconut oil, there was no detectable THC or its first metabolite, 11-hydroxy-THC.  There was a low level of 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC, the second metabolite, which could be minor evidence of absorption or simply residual THC remaining from more than 2-weeks before the testing.   Because delta-9 THC and 11-hydroxy-delta-9 were not detected, the origin of the low-level presence of 11-nor-9 carboxy THC can be debated and is worthy of some follow-up research.  Next time, a blood test should be added to the experiment before using any CO to establish a reliable benchmark against the post-consumption results to be compared for absolute certainty of the metabolite origin.

Unfortunately, my conclusion is almost as confusing as my understanding of the topic when I began this project.  I think it’s clear that it would be advantageous to use CO suppositories for people with medical conditions requiring treatment in the pelvic area, where the suppository can deliver the CO directly into contact with the needed treatment area.  For those treating pain, stress, depression, and general well-being and who would like to forego the head-high associated with THC, I highly recommend trying CO suppositories and judging the effectiveness for yourself.  It gets more complicated because of the seriousness of severe illnesses like cancer, where high THC penetration levels are required, but the blood test results say that isn’t happening.  I still think it’s worth using and probably best used in combination with edible forms of CO, which may increase THC absorption without increased psychoactive effects.  It’s obvious that something is happening, but unfortunately, at this point, it’s impossible to say what that is and to what degree it is beneficial.

If you found this post interesting, please visit my main page to read and share some more of my work.

NOTES:  I highly encourage everyone to give suppositories a try and let me know about your experiences. Everything in this blog is simply my opinion and based on my personal experimentation and not as a medical professional. Any recommendations I make should not be taken as medical advice and before following any recommendations in this blog you must consult with your doctor. Don’t consume anything you are not familiar with and hasn’t been cleared with your doctor. It’s imperative that you know and abide by the laws governing your area concerning cannabis and any processing of cannabis.



179 thoughts on “The Cannabis Oil Suppository Debate: Personal Testing & Results

    1. Hello,
      My father has Multiple Myeloma, and we have been doing between .5-1 gram of pure oil insertion by syringe. In 9 weeks, my father’s cancer numbers came down from 24 to 2.7 (desirable is 0). We are very pleased. From what I’ve read, I thought rectal administration is 70% more bioavailable. He couldn’t tolerate eating the oil. he was also on some mild

      1. That’s great news about your father! Im glad he is on the mend with the help of the oil. Did your father use only cannabis oil or were there other forms of medical treatment? The higher bioavailability is assuming the substance is able to be absorbed it’s not a given for all compounds.

      2. Please confirm….you used pure rso with no carrier oil like MCT or coconut oil?

  1. Hello,I have been using this same method for over a year. I am an arachnoiditis victim, an incurable man made disorder which can qualify to belong to spinal injury. The damages in my spine is located at L5S1. The pain radiates, in a good day, from the lower back, around the right hip, groin, thigh, leg and foot. It is an intractable and debilitating pain.
    I was very skeptical at first and to say the least reluctant to use the rectal route. Nevertheless, I started medicating this way.
    The result is wonderful in a sense that the pain is diminished or gone, depending of my daily activities. I used to have a beautiful body sensation, your description of being embraced with a warm blanket is an exact description. This feeling has gone now, as I suspect my body has become accustomed to cannabis. The psychoactive feelings are none existent, therefore it allows me to drive, to read, to speak properly, to think logically.
    I know that there is a debate. I don’t care what the findings are because it works for me. The quality of life that I have acquired is almost a miracle. No more wheelchair, no more toxic prescriptions of medications leaving me like a zombie. And so it is about the results, the beneficial effect of cannabis that is important. It is also important to value and retain the user’s experience . Negating this facet of the equation is negating the patient’s injury/pain. It is following the same paradigm that the patient ‘s experience is not valuable and not believable because the tests demonstrate the opposite. Modern medecine has created this paradigm, it should be be carried over to alternative medications.
    Regardless of results, I will not stop using this method simply because it works, period.
    Looking forward to read more answers to your experience. Have a good day

    1. Thank you Louise for sharing your experience of using cannabis suppositories for Arachnoiditis. I am; however, sorry that you have this horrid condition and I can relate as I have it myself. You are correct on the severity of pain with this condition. There is a reason why it is labeled as “the suicide disease” because the pain is so severe that some have taken their own lives. I have been googling the last few days on the use of cannabis suppositories thinking that maybe that might be a better way to use it considering all of the damage in the areas affected by the Arachnoiditis. I did start yesterday with trying my best to make a type of suppository by taking the cannabis and putting in one of the larger sized empty gel caps and did that twice in between doses of Kratom. It did seem to calm down the severe stinging some and I felt what was a more calming feeling. I’m going to try again today and see what happens. If doing this a few days seems to help, I will then order some of the suppository molds and start using those. I understand the severe pain while driving since all of that damage from the neuroinflammation and scarring within the arachnoid lining can cause that stinging burning pain while sitting down and I’m hoping the cannabis suppositories can help make the few times I do leave my house and not have to suffer so much. I’m so happy that it is working for you. Something that is still fairly new that some with Arachnoiditis are using and having success is stem cell treatment. It does make a difference on how long you have had the condition. Those that have not had it very long seem to have better success but as I have heard with stem cell treatment, when treating a disease that one has had a long time, they may need more than one treatment. I had one done last September and had some mild improvements within the 1st week but hit a wall around week 5 or 6. I’ve had the disease for over 6 years, caused by the back surgery, so apparently I will need more treatment. Problem is it is expensive and not covered by insurance, I am on disability income and still paying off the care credit card I used to pay for the treatment last year. I’m hoping and praying that somehow I can find a way to come up with the funds, gofundme has not worked well with me unless I can find someone willing to promote my campaign on their FB wall in hopes they have some supportive friends to share it for donations.

      1. You cannot use gel caps, you must use a suppository or a small oral syringe to inset the CO. I find the syringe method to be the easiest.

    2. Hi Louise! So amazing the results you’ve had! I was curious as to what dosing you used? How much and how often? Thanks! Be Well!

    3. I too am an adhesive arachnoditis patient. I also have a perineural cysts at S2. When I first became incapassitated by it., I started with suppositories. My pain was at 8. With burning aching and the sensation of feeling the cuts adhering to my spine. Trust me not pleasant. I took a 250mg supp of FECO, did not mix it with anything. 15-20mins later I was able to start moving around in bed and was able to get up and do a bit of self care. I took 1 more large dose the next day, then dropped to 100mg for a few days. Then I reduced it to more like 25-50mg and dosing as needed up to every 4 hrs if I needed it. I continue now to use a supp at night. I wake up with my back relaxed and ready for the day. The science is not there yet to proof its,effectiveness, but results certainly are.

      1. Wow, that’s success for sure. Great story and very happy for you!!! How did you administer the FECO?

      2. Not sure how this board works got a message from someone asking about application method I used. Initially with the higher dose. I’ve used the syringe it was drawn up in, as long as they are the narrow,ones. After that I simple but the FECO in a gel cap and inserted it. I insert it about 1″ or slightly pass my first knuckle on my index finger. 22yr veteran RN, easy peasey.

      3. That’s great information, thank you very much for sharing

      4. I mix my FECO in 30cc of MCT, then dose by the drop or dropper full. I put the tincture in a gel cap and use the gel cap as a suppository. In regards to how the cannabis is disturbed to the body in by the rectal route, there is some relatively new information suggesting it travels through the lymph system. I’ll see if I can find the information and post it here.

    4. Hello Louise,

      Some 18 years ago, I had a sacrum adjustment, which within 4 days resulted in a burning sensation in my feet, so that I could barely walk or stand up. My ability to have sex was also impaired. I was later diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Regular massages to relax my back muscles have helped, but now, after reading your post, I wonder if some damage occurred to the arachnoid as well…

      Could you please explain how you treat yourself, including concentrations of THC and CBD, administration frequency and how far in the colon the oil is placed?…

      Thank you!

      1. We have been using 20-40mg THC and have combined with CBD in various amounts. Its something very personal and different for each person so it will require some experimentation to find what’s best for you. For insertion it’s just inside the rectum, about 1”-1.5” inside

  2. I am a cancer patient, metastatic bone cancer, I’ve done the rick Simpson 60ml course over 90 days and I now take medicinal dose of 6 rice grains per night, I have a scan on 12th June so I’ll know then if it’s helped.

    1. Also being stage 4 breast cancer with mets to bones, am really hopeful in hearing your scan results.

    2. What was your results? Is cannabis curing your cancer? Are you using only cannabis or oncology treatments as well? I had colon cancer mets to liver. Had what they could see of the cancer surgically removed and been using cannabis both oral and suppositories. I was diagnosed in June 2015 and June 2018 was 3 years. Colon cancer has a high reoccurrence rate, so I believe cannabis oil is keeping me cancer free. Because of the controversy of the bioavailability when using suppositories and having cancer in my liver I used both oral and rectal. I too experienced the body high, but not the head high when using rectally. There has been a couple of times that I used rectally and had a bit of a head high and that was because I used double the amount if oil rectally. That is the good thing about using rectally is I find I can use more. I have some beliefs of my own that when not finding THC in the blood work when using rectally is that either the body metabolizes or uses all the THC and it’s not detectable or it changes it’s chemical form to something different. I know from the body high it’s definitely in my system. I am 49 and before cancer I can remember through the years for myself and my four kids being sick through the years with things like Rotavirus or whatever bug, I would use prescription phenergan suppositories for nausea and vomiting and the suppository would not only relive the nausea and vomiting, but knock us out and we would sleep for hours and when using acetaminophen suppositories for fever, the fever would be gone within 30 minutes of using the suppository. I have no idea of the strains of cannabis or what mg or how much THC I been using to keep cancer free. I am not that fortunate in fact I am poor. I have a hard time paying my bills and try and find cannabis capsules that I can trust because some ppl don’t use food grade alcohol and use poison for extraction. When I am able to get capsules I melt them and mix with unrefined coconut oil to make suppositories. For the past month I have been using high CBD Charlotte’s Web oil as someone gifted me a bottle. I know it don’t have the THC I need to keep killing cancer, but it’s all I have right now. I just wanted to say that I think cannabis suppositories are affective and hopefully are more bioavailable. We can take higher dosage make stronger and more concentrated when using suppositories, but they can burn and sting when using in a capsule so I find using unrefined coconut oil suppositories is little to no irritation. Ppl just need to remember to use suppositories after a good bowel movement or the suppository will act as a suppository and cause a bowel movement. It’s good to insert when you can stay laying down for 30 minutes for a nap or before bed. I do notice that when I take orally it takes 45 minutes to an hour before I feel it and then the head high can last for hours. When using suppositories I feel a relaxed within 30 to 40 min. Absorption time is different for everyone just like the affects are different for everyone. I can take the same dose today that I took yesterday and it always seems different. I think it depends on what we have eaten, it depends on our mood, it depends on other medications we take.

  3. I need to speak to someone about trying this. Please respond in a private conversation. Please!


  4. I agree, there is definitely something there.

    I, too, used CO 50/50 w coconut oil. I did 1 gr rectally, and .25 orally. I am current cancer free, and only doing the oral,dose now.

    I’ve dosed both shallowly and deeply. When I dose deep, I get the head high, but I don’t think it’s as debilitating as oral dosing.

    Is still it possible that it’s so completely absorbed that there is nothing left to show in the bloodwork? I wonder because obviously something is absorbing. Maybe do an entire gram and then do your blood test?

    I appreciate you’re attempt to shed some light on the subject!

    1. I don’t think it is possible for everything to be absorbed, used, and eliminated in 4-hours. But it is crazy how you can defiantly feel it, but the blood says nothing. I think doing the full gram would be a good idea just to see what happens, but them my current understanding of the anatomical functions, 20mg should have shown up fine.

    2. Cool …I too had the same exact thought or idea after I read his experiment! Now I see someone else thinking like me…maybe it’s totally absorbed or converts to another form other than the THC that they are looking for in bloodwork.

      1. I think there are a few things we know for pretty near certain: 1) The chance of THC changing into an unknown substance is extremely low 2) There is an undeniable physical reaction that manifests as relaxation, pain relief, and a low level body high 3) THC did not show up in my blood 4) We have no known way to reconcile #1-3.

  5. Thank you for doing this testing and sharing your results. This information is very helpful, as is the comment by reader Louise.

  6. Interesting research, thank you for posting.

    I can think of two questions that need to be raised: 1) Is the THC being metabolized into some chemical that the test does not show, and/or 2) Is the THC traveling through the lymphatic system instead of the blood??

    1. Anything is possible but what would that chemical be and what would be the mode of metabolism? I’m not sure about the lymphatic circulation scenario.

  7. Just a thought. Was the Cannabis Oil activated (decarboxylized) prior to making the suppository?

  8. I think the best experiment might be to compare regular thc suppositiorities & the THC-HS suppositiories & thc metabolite blood levels in the same patients. There is something funky going on with the variety between some patients having absorption & some not, as least via the measure of blood tests. We need to identify why some patients are “nonrepsonders,” and whether blood levels of THC metabolites is the valid measure of efficacy for rectal suppositories.

    I’d be happy to run some of these studies with funding in the future, as a neuroscientist & director of IMPACT Network.

    1. To make certain you are comparing apples to apples a sampling of the suppositories should be lab tested. It is easy to screw up decarboxilation. The THC Acid may never have become THC, or degraded into other canabinoids or maybe even vaporized off.
      I think that is at least as probable as classes of different humans with significantly different absorption quotients.

      1. I agree that for accurate scholarly work this should be done. In amateur, ad hoc science project contained in this blog I can assure you the material was properly decarbed. It may not have been perfectly decarbed to lab spec, but it was good representation of real world at home decarb and I say this for two reasons. First, I have decarbed many times in many ways and have some experience in the exercise. Secondly, I ate half of one after the experiment just to confirm to myself they were in fact decarbed well, and I can again assure you they were as it took me on a very pleasant edible ride.

        Side note: I mentioned that the suppository molds work very well for storage of remeasured oral dosage. What I didn’t mention is that they are really nice and easy to consume orally as well. They are a little crunchy, not solid rock like you would suggest, really light in the mouth and very pleasurable. Having said that, the pleasant oral experience is also because I use a pretty clean FECO extraction as apposed to the green sludge that some people use.

      2. Hey, I wasn’t knocking the effort. I just have a lot of experience in learning from my mistakes. The feeling he described, sounded a lot like CBN, which is what THC degrades into when over-heated. Possible CBN is easier to absorb from the membranes in that region. At any rate I’d be curious if they could retest his previous blood sample, looking for CBN.

      3. There is no problem here, thank you for your input. I get what you are saying, but I would not equate the feeling with CBN directly. If anything not THC it was more like CBD with the pain relief and calming that can come with that. Having said that, the feeling is something I would attribute to THC and comparable sensations I am familiar with from past experience, just with the absence of psychoactive effects. As for CBN being a form that wold be more readily absorbed in comparison to THC I don’t know the answer to that. It would be worth taking a look

      1. It is a suppository with the addition of hemisuccinate. Its kind of outside of my scope here but if your are interested in it’s use there is quite a bit of information to be found on it.

    2. Something that might help your funding request would be someone replicating ichibancrafter’s original finding, with some added control. I would do it myself butI live in Mexico and do not have access to necessary tests.

  9. Thank you. I have been making these with Cacao butter, as I had no luck with coconut butter. Given that Coconut butter was stated at the beginning of your post to be a possible impediment to absorption I was surprised you used it for your trial. Have you triwd a water based carrier? What might that be? I have tried straight thc/cbd oil, from a soft syringe applicator, but prefer suppositories. Cacao butter seems to help… it has the same hardening/softening properties as Coconut oil…

    1. Coconut oil absorbs without bile, making it work synergistically with the cannabis, helping it to absorb more efficiently.

  10. Thank you for the efforts of both trying and documenting this. I have only just received my Medical Marijuana license (CAnada) and have tried both 1:1 oil and CBD (virtually no THC) oil. Sorry – I”m not sure of all the “proper” terms yet. Even starting low and slow, I am Not a fan of the disorientation or other feelings of the higher THC, but I have Fibromyalgia which over the years has left me in constant often debilitating pain, insomnia, CFS… and all their various friends. I am hopeful cannabis will be able to help me, as I”ve heard it has worked so well for others. So i had a look into rectal administration and my research led me to your article here. The oils I receive are from Cannimed, and I can only hope they’re of good quality. Does the oil have to be combined with Coconut or other (cacao) oils to assist the absorption? Or can the oil simply be inserted without the carrier oils. I work at a vet clinic and have access to different syringes etc…
    I would love to hear your thoughts on this – thank you!

    1. Thank you for your question and I hope you find the relief you seek. The coconut oil serves two purposes. First it allows you to dilute the potency and control dosage. Secondly, it serves as a forming medium to create the suppository shape in the mold. Neither use of coconut oil as necessary and a syringe delivery should accomplish the same ends. Many people are using syringe delivery it’s just a matter of choice I suppose

  11. I have been experimenting to make cannabis suppositories since I need it to relax my puborectalis for anismus and so I thought rectal administration would make more sense. I also need it for fibromyalgia, IBS etc. However I have had many mishaps in the sense of irritability.

    First I tried coconut oil which gave me bloating, then I tried organic cacao butter but it still irritates my bowel and gives me constant urge of bowel movements even hours after insertion (and only oil comes out). Is there any other ingredient I can use that does not irritate. I mix these bases with FECO.

    Apart from the irritation I prefer the way cannabis works when taken rectally rather than orally because I remain alert ,no dizziness or high feeling.

    Thank you.

    1. You could do a mix with extra-virgin olive oil and liquid sunflower lecithin, fill gelatin capsules and use them as suppositories. I maintain a Cannabis Oil Study Hall on 420 Magazine where we’ve worked up formulations for most treatments. We call them biobombs, and they’ve been very effective.

    2. I don’t know anything but golden seal has a very soothing effect on the mucous membrane. Perhaps you could add some. I take it for stomach aches when I can’t sleep and for sores in my mouth from dental work etc.

  12. I am trying to make CBD suppositories. Can CBD concentrate powder be used in place of CBD oil tincture? And when mixing it into the melted base (cocoa butter or coconut oil), is there anything different I should do? Thank you.

  13. I am trying to make CBD suppositories myself. Is it suitable to use CBD concentrate powder in place of CBD oil tincture? And when mixing it into the melted base (cocoa butter or coconut oil) is there anything I should do differently? Thank you.

      1. First off are you in Canada or the US if in Canada I have been taking the oils from health Canada orally and it has brought my psa score down

      2. I am in the US. Oral consumption is the most common delivery and least controversial. It’s awesome to hear you are on the mend. I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you or sharing

      3. Yes, that makes sense. I am not medically trained but I have seen information pointing to the same thing. I have also seen studies that are evaluating the effectiveness of THCA on prostate cancer, which is different from the traditional use of high dose THC to fight against most other cancer. Unfortunately, he real and solid research is thin so like yourself we are all just doing what we can to find out what works best on an individual basis. I have not used CBD powder concentrate personally so I can’t report from first hand knowledge but I would think it will deliver just fine by melting into the coconut oil and making the suppositories. I truly wish you the best and wish for your father’s speedy recovery.

  14. Do you have experience, know of anyone, or articles where cannabis shatter can be used for making suppositories with gel caps? I plan to make suppositories by melting down cannabis shatter and diluting with coconut oil then filling up gel caps. I plan to use the Harlequin and Green Crack sativa strains for energy.

    I would like to read learn more about making suppositories from shatter and using gel caps instead of suppository molds. I have not made cannabis suppositories before and am not aware of anyone or resource with making suppositories from cannabis shatter and using gel caps before.

    I am trying to create a treatment for aggressive stage 4 pancreatic with lesions on the liver and suspicious cells on the lungs diagnosed 8/8/17. Currently, there are no traditional treatment protocol options and oncologists have said time is short and anything can happen anyway as the cell growth is aggressive and will continue to disrupt other body function.

    I want treatment for inhibiting cell growth, cell destruction, pain, energy and appetite stimulation along with sleep aid. I have been using the Rick Simpson oil for a week and it has helped greatly with sleep with some appetite stimulation.

    Any information shared by any would greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Mai,
      Making suppositories with either molds or gel caps using shatter is the same as using cannabis oil in any other form. It will incorporate quite readily with the carrier. I’m not sure what the advantage of using gel caps would be, the molds are very easy and convenient. I am absolutely not a medical professional so please don’t take anything I say as credible advise because it isn’t. From my experience with my amateur testing, if I were treating myself for lung and liver I would be ingesting the CO orally. Personally, if it isn’t something that would be in direct contact with anal delivery I would treat orally. Are you thinking to use both orally and with suppositories? Are you vaping at all for appetite and pain?

      1. Hello, thank you so much for this informative post! I have been wondering, does shatter/extract need to be decarboxylated before blending with a carrier for use as a suppository? This is extract that I am purchasing from an outside source, and unfortunately I do not know whether or not the starting material was decarboxylated before extraction.

      2. I’m glad you enjoyed it. You would need to decarb the shatter first. If it is in shatter form it’s defiantly not decarbed.

    2. I’d like to know how you are doing Mai. Did you continue the cannabis oil as your treatment? Did you use doctor treatments or just cannabis? Hope you are well and are able to reply.

  15. Dear Ichibancrafter,
    My husband and I were ecstatic to hear of the possibilities of suppositories to help cure my FIL’s very rare thyroid cancer. After a lot of internet research (roll of eyes lol)…we’re coming to realize there is not nearly enough research supporting the actual absorbtion of THC into the bloodstream through the rectum due to the fact that it is oil based. Your article and experiment proved to be very insightful for us and I thank your that. My FIL’s life depends on the accuracy of our amateur research tactics. It seems we have to do it it the way Rick Simpson intended and hope my FIL can withstand the high. Or find enough that we can afford to do it both rectally and orally…still left with the issue that he’s gonna be very high. Thank you for clarifying what you could for us.

    1. I’m glad I could help with the little I was able to do. Once people get used to the “high” most can deal with it pretty well, its letting go and not freaking out about it the first few times that you have to get past. If he doesn’t like the high, which many don’t, you can try a few things that might help. Obviously, start with just a tiny bit and increase as you are able. Another would be administering right before going to sleep, by the time it kicks in he will already be sleeping. This may sound counterintuitive, but, you could try to give him a larger dose that will just knock him out. Unfortunately, the psychoactive effects after oral ingestion last for comparably long duration. Maybe he might want to try smoking some for a few times to get a close approximation of what it will feel like to test the waters. The good thing about smoking is the peak is just a handful of minutes after smoking, you are mostly unaffected after 60-minutes and 90% of any effects are gone in 90-minutes. Just some ideas, hope it helps.

    2. Take your time building up tolerance remember even if your starting out on small doses the medicine is working just need to build up the tolerance to be able to enjoy the full benefits of the medicine it really does not take too long

  16. Thank you for this in depth article. May I ask a question that I cannot find the answer to anywhere.
    What is the difference in efficacy not formulation between RSO and FECO extracted into ghee, coconut oil, or any other carrier.
    Aren’t they the same product just Extracted differently? Thank you

    1. Annie, thank you for your question. You kind of mixed a whole bunch of things together in one category there that are very different. First, RSO and FECO are drastically different in terms of the solvents used. RSO uses naphtha which in my opinion is a very big mistake and should not be used. You can see more on that in this blog post .

      Secondly, when you say “extracted into ghee, coconut oil, or any other carrier” I think you are lumping “extraction” and “infusion” into the same basket and especially as far as efficiencies go these are very different. You can read about the different in the section “Extraction vs Infusion” of this blog post .

      Lastly, if you are talking about efficiency of absorption of the different carrier oils that is another subject where the saturated fats in most cases are better for absorption, but not in the case of suppository and anal absorption.

      I hope this help clarify what you were looking for, if not let me know and Ill take another crack at it!

      1. So if “saturated fats in most cases are better for absorption, but not in the case of suppository and anal absorption”, what carrier oils should be used when mixing FECO to make suppositories?

        Thank you.

      2. That is exactly the problem, and basis of the debate. In the case of suppositories it is the oil based nature of the cannabis oil itself that may suppress absorption, hence the carrier oil used seems to be a moot point. If it is an affliction that would come into direct contact with the cannabis oil via anal delivery then the choice of carrier would also be essentially equal with the most pure mixture probably being the most effective.

  17. Thank you very much for this article. Not only did I find it to be very informative and well-written, but it also demonstrates a rare, objective intelligence, and an admirable faculty of observation (one that we could all benefit from, in my experience).

    Good job! 🙂

  18. Thank you for documenting your experiment. I was concerned because my research found a doctor that tested THC levels in blood after rectal cannabis and found no THC detected, yet there are people who claim they can feel the warmness after using rectal. I’m trying to save my dog from aggressive, inoperable mast cell cancer. I’m using oral and rectal with him, and I really want to know if the rectal is working. The place I got my full extract RSO from says the source is organic plants, and I think Hexane is used. The 3rd party testing shows no THCA detected, which I hope means it was properly decarboxylated. I want to try these suppositories on myself (they are 1/2 FECO and 1/2 coconut oil in a syringe). The TCH content in this suppository syringe is 150 mg. Compared to your suppositories, mine have a lot more! Do I dare try this? My 35 lb dog gets 2 of these suppositories a day (in a.m. and p.m.) along with a bedtime oral dose. I might try his suppository before going to bed, I really need to know if it’s absorbing into the body. Maybe because the FECO has so many other cannabinoids in it, that something other than THC is making the body feel like it’s working (something not yet studied).

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      It’s really hard to say about effectiveness, but its hard to imagine that if THC doesnt appear in the blood that it could be making its way around the body. Having said that, you can feel something is defiantly happening, I just don’t know medically what it is. 150mg is quite a bit but maybe that is a possible answer, much larger doses? You could also just do half? If you try, please let me know what you think. Thanks for your input, comments, and questions. I hope you pup gets better, they are little love angels.

      1. I just wanted to mention that the place I buy the suppositories from says the 150mg suppository for my dog is actually the “starter dose” for humans, then if all goes well, the human’s routine suppository dose is 300mg THC. Now THAT’s a lot!

  19. My wife has stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma, and we started her on 1 mg RSO every night and have done so for about 6 weeks now… I am very concerned about whether she gets much absorption into her bloodstream, since she gets almost no effects from it… We do a syringe filled with FECO directly into her, without any carrier at all. I hope that it has effect.
    I have done allot of research on this, and I am presently looking at adding either 10% or 20% DMSO miced into the FECO to enhance absoption… Have you heard much about this method ?
    I am curious to know your thoughts…

    1. Hi Mike,
      I’m very sorry to hear about your wife’s condition and wish her a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, I don’t have any medical training and all I can offer is an opinion on my limited experience, so please keep this in mind. I know of dimethyl sulfoxide as a delivery agent for transdermal absorption but I don’t know enough about it to offer any meaningful input, sorry. You mentioned your wife is taking 1mg every night? Did you mean 1 ml by chance? Is there a reason she isn’t taking orally? From everything I understand about RSO/FECO as a treatment, it is most effective if taken orally and this I think will out perform any other option for delivery. If she doesn’t like the psychoactive effects I think there are ways to approach it that may be helpful. If there is anything else I can help with please let me know, my prayers will be with your wife.

    2. Hi Mike. I have been reading all the comments on this site to find out if anyone had ever tried DMSO mixed with the suppository material in order to enhance absorption. DMSO is definitely an excellent carrier, so would it work? I am using CO suppositories with cacao butter and was tempted to try mixing a drop of DMSO in it. Then I read on a DMSO website that it should not be used rectally as it would carry in the bloodstream bacterias and other sh… from the fecal matter in the colon. Don’t know if this is true, but it is a concern. Anyone has experience with this?
      Mike, please let me know if you did try it, and if so, how it went!
      By the way, THANKS ICHIBANCRAFTER! Great stuff you did!

  20. Have been reading about THC-HS “Administration of the THC-HS via suppositories resulted in excellent bioavailability, sustained plasma levels of THC, and improved efficacy as compared to the oral formulations, suggesting the feasibility of this route for the delivery of THC in various therapeutic applications.” (

    Would like to know whether these are for sale anywhere yet?
    Thank you.

      1. That’s been the question on my mind as well, about adding hemisuccinate and if anyone is doing this. When you say “whole different ball game”, sounds like it’s not a good idea, maybe not natural….is that what you mean?

  21. Thanks for this great article … I have made and used THC and THCA suppositories (16 oz coconut oil infused with 30 grams of decarbed or fresh cannabis). I was hoping they might help my 60 year-old prostate. My experience: not much help, if any. I don’t feel much in the body and nothing psycho-active. I just don’t think the oil is getting absorbed. I want to try the THC-HS suppositories — how does one make these? What is the HS (hemisuccinate)?

    1. Car Sale, I have similar results with suppositories for my prostate which is 16 years older than yours. I just want to advise that oral ingestion of whole leaf, homemade oil, has a remarkably lowers the frequency of urination. (Both day and night). Of course day time use stones you, which I find makes it difficult to do all of the other things that have to be done in dealing with PCa

  22. Thank you for this little experiment and your determination to keep the conversation going. We’ve shared a link to this in the Cannabis Oil Study Hall. I hope it brings you some curious minds.

    1. Thank you very much. I just like to do what I can to contribute what I can to those who really need some kind of reliable information. While I’m not a medical profession and probably not actually a “reliable source”, I try to share in the most non-biased helpful way I’m able to achieve. Thanks again for checking my page out and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

  23. Hello, thank you for your well written and subjective article. What kind of THC levels would we expect to see in the blood after the same dose is taken orally?

    1. I am not a medical professional, but from my reading, to avoid the first pass metabolism and thus missing the liver it should be no more than about 1-inch.

      1. There have been medical studies that have shown that even with additions of major skin layer enhancement agents involved such as DMSO that putting RSO/Marijuana Oil (even mixed with Coconut oil or others) gets less than a 2% pass thru into the bloodstream… which is TERRIBLE.

  24. Where is the help for us people in Adelaide south Australia or any south Australians . I don’t know how to get hold of any of this kind of help for us . I think it’s ilegal…. Any ideas move??? Countries?.😁It might come if I could travel.🤔☹️☹️😞😱🙉 Help please.

  25. Hello Ichibancrafter – I did some research but couldn’t find an explanation.

    Perhaps you can answer my basic question:

    1. If inhaled – whats the way how cannabis gets you high?

    I always thought: Inhaled- absorbed by lungs into the blood – delivered to / through the blood-brain barrier —-> high!

    2. If eaten – same thing- absorbed to the blood—-> brain—-> high

    PLUS : Delivered to the liver – changed to the stronger form of THC–> blood—>brain

    3. Suppository NOT deep- shouldnt it be the same way???? Yes?! Absorbed—> blood—->brain—> high???

    After your research I would suggest that it just dont work right and never 70% absorbed!

    On the other hand there are many people claiming it works for cancer that way! But they can never answer my simple question:

    “If THC gets into the blood- why it doesn’t get you high?!”

    Is my thinking of how THC gets into the brain wrong?

    How does it work?

    1. That is exactly the question and exactly why I did the amateur testing on myself. My thoughts and opinions are in my post. Unfortunately, I don’t really have much more to add.

    2. The reason you don’t get high when this hits the bloodstream directly is that it’s skipping the liver metabolism. With suppositories, it does just that. THC that is converted in the liver will get you high. Skip the liver, skip the high.

      1. Yeah, that’s not entirely true, is overly simplified, and ignores the absorption problem. Sub-linguals also are directly absorbed and don’t go through the liver or first pass metabolism.

  26. Soooo interesting!
    Thank you for such a detailed and thorough self test! Sorry not to have the answers, though… as I’m sure you are.
    I am a lifelong cannabis user and a home chef. I love making medicinals- both CBD and THC varietals
    I JUST bought a Nova Decarboxylator and a Magical Butter Machine (doubting the latter now, after reading your posts!).
    Just wanted to say hey!
    (PS. using suppository molds for individual dosing is an awesome tip, thank you!)

      1. Hi There,
        We are new to this game and have just recently began sourcing information about RSO Oil etc. My dad has recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver/Bowel Cancer. We have found a source of supply for the CBD/THC oil and wonder what is the best way to administer and dosage amount required to start.

        Any help would be appreciated!

  27. this may specifically help answer the oil & suppository issue.

    i had a small tumor in my rectal area i discovered through self-examination. i was ready to make a doctor’s appt the next week, but immediately decided to try 6X concentration cbd oil directly on the tumor. i had been using it sublingually under the tongue for a disc injury, but had cut down on that use because i got a head grogginess and some difficulty breathing at times.

    i applied the oil to the tumor directly using a latex glove on my hand and my finger with several drops on it, reached into the rectum to the tumor, about 1/4 inch i estimated the circumference. i had never ever taken any type of anything through this part of my body, and wasn’t really trying to get it into my body, but rather just on the tumor, which i did.

    what i experienced was much as you and others stated, a ‘body’ reaction to the cbd (no thc in it) that was much different and more pleasant than the head reaction i got under the tongue. no grogginess, no difficulty breathing unless i used a huge amount. and most of the reaction was a negation of pain in my body.

    while pushing cbd oil on your fingertip up your rectum, aside from sounding crazy, was very effective, i thought i’d make suppositories and make this all easier. then i started reading about the delaying or negating effect of the fat in the oil. understanding nutrition i know that fat can slow absorption into your system of other nutrients.

    anyway, i used the cocoa butter cbd suppositories and found a very weakened and delayed response. in sheer amounts i needed to used to get a similar reaction, there was probably three to four times as much cbd oil used via the suppositories with a reaction that was still tepid at best. i eventually did get some relaxation and pain reduction, but it took a huge amount of cbd oil in the suppositories (i.e. many many of the suppositories i made) to get that reaction.

    just putting the cbd oil directly on the tumor ended up getting the cbd oil into my system and relaxing me, much more quickly and strongly.

    OH…i seem to have forgotten the most important part of this to me…that within 48 hours i noticed the tumor reducing in size. now, almost a week later, the tumor is gone and there is only a bit of thickened skin left, hopefully which will fully disappear.

    i think this is incredible, amazing, and for someone in their 60s with a fear of cancer, remarkable. i have no way of knowing if this tumor was cancerous or benign, but i’m just glad it’s gone. also, i was smearing the cbd oil on my skin over a part of my rib cage where i had a 1″ diameter fatty tumor that i have had for years, having been told by doctors it was just fat and benign. nothing has ever lessened it, but putting the cbd oil on the skin to let it absorb in the area has affected it. it shrunk a bit more slowly since the oil is not going directly on the tumor, but rather has to go through the skin to get to it. still, it is more than 50% reduced and flattened within a week.

    back to the absorption of suppositories. from my own experience, i can very strongly say the use of fat vis a vis cocoa butter dramatically…dramatically!!! slowed the absorption in percent and time. using cbd oil directly into the rectum via my finger on the skin was incredibly effective. usually about 6 drops on a finger tip pushed up there had a very strong effect. with the suppositories, about twice that much in the suppositories has had a much more minimal effect.

    for others who don’t wish their finger up their rear, i’m sure a syringe (plastic) would work fine.

    i may explore that option, but right now the finger method is highly effective.

    sorry for the length, i’m a former reporter. but this is very specific, observed use of cbd oil, and i am in no doubt as to what i experienced. i admit people’s systems are different, so there could be some difference with others, but i believe the issue of fat dulling and slowing and muting absorption is an issue that must strongly be considered.

    1. Makes sense to me since there a number of old time meds that were :”dabbed on the finger and inserted. I read another repy that asked, “Where do you want the cbd to go? Head and face? orally, Prostate, and lower body, suppository. I am trying to build my tolerance to begin the RSO protocol. and currently doing 20 mg at each site. Next week I double the dose.

      I have added mushroom tinctures to control blood pressure and hopefully compliment tumor reduction. Have stage III-IV gliaoma will look at low dose TMZ and Low Dose Rad

  28. Thank you for your informative post. I wish that every poster used your approach.

    I am dealing with Prostate cancer and have been using decarboxilated leaf, extracting with Ethanol and then diluting with Coconut oil and then making suppositories. I always bioassay the mixture by taking a spoonful orally.

    It was disappointing to learn of your results, but it is better to learn the truth than to keep on doing something that doesn’t work.

    I guess my last hope is with the hemisuccinate addition.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Prayers and blessings be with you. Unfortunately, my results were inconclusive. Something is defiantly happening, and you can feel it, but its not detectable so its hard to say if its actually working or not. In your case, with the prostate treatment I have heard reports that because of the relatively close proximity that the suppositories can be beneficial. I hope that’s true but it’s hard to say, I think its worth keeping up? I’ve also see positive reports of THC-A providing some good results on prostate cancer, have you tried THC-A at all either on its own or in combination with the activated THC?

      1. An excellent N of 1 review. I have observed some remarkable success with rectal administration in the past 18 months. However, the base for these units has been organic cocoa butter that is easy to handle, melts just below body temperature and seems to be more bio-available to the body.

      2. I’m glad you are having great success! I am very weary about making statements like “…..seems to be more bio-available” because it just add to the guessing game and contributes to even more misinformation. If its true, and if it is particularly applicable to absorbing into the mucus coating in the intestine then exactly why it is more bio-available, if in fact it is, would be good information.

  29. I was very disappointed by your results ( especially as I just ordered 500 suppository molds) and I have been thinking about your suggestion of using THC A. The good thing is that it is the right time of year to get fresh leaf which apparently is higher in THC A. Speaking of “higher” I have just re read parts of your excellent paper and I wondered about tyring to target the upper rectum rather than the lower rectum?

  30. I’m a patient in IL and the various cultiavatior’s within the state produce and sell; RSO and FECO. Both products in this market use an extraction method using CO2. Based on the articles you state the difference between RSO and FECO is the solvent used for extraction. If there is no solvent used in the extraction method, ie. using a CO2 extraction method. What would you then classify this product as?
    I have been recently making my own suppositories for various uses. I though have been adding shea butter to the infused coconut oil (that was already decarbed (if adding concentrates to the FECO) and infused with added Non-GMO lectin for a 2 hr period in a water bath). Have you tried adding shea butter to your suppositories?
    Based on your article I”m wonder if it’s even worth it. Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate the information on this page.

    1. The extract would simply be called a “C02” extract/concentrate. I haven’t used sha butter, not sure what benefit it would add. I think suppositories are worth using, I just can’t explain what’s happening

  31. Thank you for sharing. It’s one of those things no one believes works until they try it.

    I have stage four colon cancer. I’ve had seven surgeries and I’m currently I’m currently having my 41st chemo treatment.

    That said, I’ve been mostly NED since starting Cannabis oil. I say mostly because I’m not as consistent as I should be and it’s obvious in my tumor marker charting.

    Regardless, I have something interesting to add to you research. I was dosing a full gram a day (800 mg thc) cannabis oil as a suppository. In my research, I also read Dr Frankels blog about cannabis oil being absorbed rectally and was concerned that I as wasting my money. So I worked up to taking it all orally. And my markers started going up and up and up. And then something showed on my scan! Yikes!

    I went back to suppository dosing. The same exact dose. And my markers started going down. And my scan cleared.

    You may not see it on bloodwork, but I KNOW something is happening.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing and I wish you a full and speedy recovery, you sound like a real warrior! Your scans aren’t lying, thats for sure, and that is VERY interesting. Its undeniable that the relaxation and pain relief set in, and if that is happening then there must also be more going on. I’m pretty sure t’s not psychosomatic because its too consistent between uncommon and unbiased users I’ve had try and report back. Some day we’ll find out for sure with some real research and the world will be all the better for it.

  32. Update? Did you try again like you were thinking about doing, but pre-testing to figure out any previously showing in your system, that might have been what was showing up in the post-test? Or maybe doing a reliable de-tox first before taking?

    1. I think the detox was sufficient and nothing showed up in my system so I don’t think that had any negative impact on the playground experiment.

  33. I can’t use THC because of my US commercial drivers license. That may change soon but if suppositories work and show no THC that would be great.

    1. The one thing I regret not doing which was key in retrospect was also doing a urine test to see if any THCA would have shown up

  34. My dad is taking 1gram a day of FECO 3:1 THC:CBD for bile duct cancer in his liver. In 1 month of taking rectal suppositories, his liver enzymes have decreased, his stage 3 chronic kidney disease has resolved, his chronic HBP which he’s had for 30 years has resolved, his hypothyroid has resolved, his chronic dry eye has resolved, he’s sleeping again, eating well and has more energy than he’s had in 30 years. This is all after a liver resection to remove the cancerous tumor. I can’t imagine that these FECO suppositories are doing nothing because we are witnessing amazing benefits.

    1. Very interesting. Would you happen to know the respective percentages of THC and CBD and whether there are any issues with psychoactive side effects?

    2. Hi Grace, I’m so happy to hear of this success with the FECO Supp on your dad. We too have started down this road with my dad, we are two weeks in and he takes Two supp a day at the moment around 4 drops of oil mixed with olive oil per each supp with no side effects he takes 1/2 grain by mouth before bed it’s the one by mouth that’s causing him to have a light head and dry mouth not very pleasant. Can I ask did u give your dad any FECO by mouth? How much were you putting in each supp? Reading this story gives myself and my family so much hope. I’d love to get any help or advice that you would give. Keep up the good work , Regards Rachel Irwin X

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